
Business Central self-education resources

  • The catalog describing Dynamics 365 Business Central is available for download after completing the form: here
  • Microsoft Learn training platform: here
  • Official Microsoft website presenting the capabilities of Dynamics 365 Business Central: here
  • Official Microsoft Dynamics 365 Channel on YouTube (Business Central playlist): here
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation available through Microsoft Docs: tutaj

Dokumentacja dostępna na Microsoft Docs (URL) – the fundamental place where you can find extensive and comprehensive knowledge about the possibilities of Dynamics 365 Business Central is the documentation available through the Microsoft Docs platform.

Microsoft Learn (URL) –Microsoft Learn platform offers over 220 training modules related to Dynamics 365 Business Central. The modules are organized into 52 training paths. As a minor motivation, after completing each of the modules, we receive the appropriate amount of XP experience points.

Each of the modules takes an average of several dozen minutes (some require only few minutes and others may take an hour). The courses are interactive. They consist of text, graphics, videos, and tests to check the acquired knowledge.

Kanał YouTube (URL) – to get a feel for how working with the system looks like in practice, it is worth checking the “Microsoft Dynamics 365” channel, where almost 90 videos about working with Business Central have been published so far.

Pozostałe materiały od Microsoft (URL) –on the Microsoft website, which presents Dynamics 365 Business Central, you can find cross-sectional information on the possibilities of the presented solution. The “Resources” tab includes e-books, infographics, videos, case studies and webinars.