
Production management in Business Central

The production management module is available under the Premium user license. Below we present a few selected key functionalities in this area.

Production abilities

BOMs and Routes facilitate capacity planning. In Business Central, production capacity can be divided into selected units (areas), e.g. you can select a specific production department or a specific workstation. The list of components BOM, which is available in Business Central, allows you to generate a list of components that are needed to produce a product (or a half product). You can use route, in which the activities that are necessary to produce a specific product are defined.

Production orders

The records of purchased raw materials / semi-finished products / components are made by production orders. In production orders, you can find information about how much of a given component is needed.
Orders are processed throughout the production process. Production orders take into account the consumption of raw materials and putting the finished products in the warehouse. This allows you to forecast the demand in the form of production plans, which are compared with the current level of sales and the sales forecast.

The production module offers many advanced functionalities that allow you to accurately forecast production capacity. This is possible thanks to the definition of a production capacity calendar for each workstation (including a number of different factors such as material supply constraints, scheduled downtime, productivity of a given position, etc.). This means that each workstation has its own workload. The system can plan production capacity taking into account the workload of individual production units or it can also ignore such a variable.

More functions related to the management of production orders: planning a production order, processing the production order, quantity produced, production shortages production control log, subcontracting

Production planning

Production planning can be based on many different sources; (for example on the basis of deliveries, current orders, etc.),
You can also use planning sheet – production orders are created on the basis of inventory replacement or net requirement.

More and more production planning is based on subcontracting, therefore the process of managing orders and costs related to the production process is handled by Business Central.

More functions related to production planning: calendars of sockets and workstations, capacity logs, downtime, non-productive time, working loads, production valuation

More functionalites:


  • Order picking (ATO)
  • Picking to the warehouse (ATS)
  • Reservations and inventory tracking
  • Production orders

Planning a production order

  • Processing the production order
  • Production shortages
  • Production control log
  • Subcontracting

Capacity Planning (CRP)

  • Calendars of workstations
  • Capacity logs
  • Downtime
  • Non-productive time
  • Working loads
  • Production valuation

Sales order integration with production order planning

  • Contract production / sales order
  • Planning orders

Basic production capacity and routes

Production forecasting and planning (MPS, MRP)

  • Production forecast
  • Multi-level production orders

Other functionalities of the production module can be found at: https://dynamicseip.com/en/about-product/functionalities/