
What’s new in data analysis and reporting

Author: Ilona Juśkiewicz

Analyze, group, and pivot data on lists/queries

Now it is available self-service data analysis.

For each List page we can quickly extract insights from data directly in Business Central with no need to involve developers.

We have a lot of options, such as:

  • Pick columns, reorder them, freeze left/right
  • Set additional data filters
  • Group and pivot
  • Mark cells and do some quick fact checking
  • Copy some/all data, import to Excel/PowerPoint/…

Such prepared analysis can be also saved for repetitive use or shared with our coworkers by copying link to that.

Improvements to Excel layouts

  • Multi-sheet layouts – report datasets can be designed in a way that enables a very rich way to model things further in PowerPivot.

  • Static runtime metadata worksheet – Always have a (hidden) worksheet with Report AL metadata, Report captions, Request page metadata, Request page filter data
  • Support for translatability – report author can use tags for: Worksheets, Chart headers, Pivot elements. Server will replace tags at runtime when rendering the report.

New Power BI embed experience for user

  • user choices are remembered
  • support for Power BI metrics scorecards
  • reports with multiple pages render as tabs

New capabilities for AL developers to control embedded Power BI

  • Report opens in expanded mode.
  • User cannot change a report or report page.